Kinokuniya, a renowned international bookshop chain from Japan, established AsianBasis Sdn Bhd in Malaysia as the online retail arm of Books Kinokuniya group. AsianBasis Sdn Bhd has taken over the control and operations of BookWeb Malaysia, Kinokuniya`s online bookshop, from Kinokuniya Book Stores (Malaysia) Sdn Bhd with effect from 2nd July 2014. This is to enable greater resources, more services, networking and facilities to serve existing BookWeb members. The company`s obligations to you remain unchanged and our level of service to you is expected to be enhanced at no additional cost. You will see improvements sometime soon.
Kinokuniya, a renowned international bookshop chain from Japan, established AsianBasis Sdn Bhd in Malaysia as the online retail arm of Books Kinokuniya group. AsianBasis Sdn Bhd has taken over the control and operations of BookWeb Malaysia, Kinokuniya`s online bookshop, from Kinokuniya Book Stores (Malaysia) Sdn Bhd with effect from 2nd July 2014. This is to enable greater resources, more services, networking and facilities to serve existing BookWeb members. The company`s obligations to you remain unchanged and our level of service to you is expected to be enhanced at no additional cost. You will see improvements sometime soon.